Urinary tract infections is an infections that affects part of urinary tract. When the infection is in lower urinary tract than it is known as bladder infection (Cystitis) & when it affects the upper UTI than its a kidney infection. The Most common cause of infection is E. coli & other bacteria or fungi may also cause it. Symptoms from lower urinary tract infection include pain with urination, Frequent urination, & feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder & the symptoms of kidney infections include fevers, sometimes pain. UTI’s are more common in females as compared to males.
1- Burning with urination
2- Frequent urging to urinate
3- Absence of vaginal discharge
4- Pain during urination or in urethra pain
5- People suffering from upper UTI could have symptoms such as:- flank pain, fever, nausea, vomitting
6- Bleeding in urine or Pus cells in very rare cases
7- In young children there symptoms for UTI could be fevers
E. coli bacteria is the most common cause for urinary tract infections. There are many more pathogens which causes it such as:- Staphyloccocus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Candida albicans, Enterococcus etc.
Sexual activity is also the cause for UTI especially bladder infection in young sexually active womens. There is also a term called honeymoon cystitis which is applied upon frequent UTI’s during early marriage in young women.
Women are more prone to UTI’s than males because in females the urethra is much shorter & closer to the anus. Chronic prostatitis can also cause UTI infection in males.
UTI’s can also be hereditary. Other risk factors include diabetes, having enlarged prostate, constipation, kidney stones, & persons with spinal cord injury are at risk for UTI because of chronic use of catheter.
We at raj homoeopathic multispeciality clinic are recognized best for treating kidney or urethral diseases like UTI’S or kidney stones. We take proper case taking of the patients & then matches the symptoms of the patients with the medicines. Our success results are very high in treatment of UTI’S like complaint.
Below written are some homeopathic medicines which has to be taken after homeopathy doctors consultation only as he will determine the right doses ,power & selection of The medicine based on your symptoms.
1- Cantharis
2- Lycopodium
3- Sulphur
4- Clematis
5- Thuja
6- Nux vomica
7- Pulsatilla
8- Staphysagria
9- Cannabis sativa
10- Merc sol.