Lung fibrosis / Scar treatment in homeopathy

Introduction:- Pulmonary fibrosis/ lung fibrosis is a condition in which the lungs become scarred over time. Symptoms include shortness of breath, a dry cough, feeling tired, weight loss & nail clubbing. Complications of it may be like:- pulmonary hypertension, respiratory failure, pneumothorax and lung cancer. Causes include pollution, connective tissue diseases, infections, interstitial lung disease, past tuberculosis infection, pneumonia, covid infection, certain medications etc. In homeopathy we have very good result in treatment for it and many patients of lung scar/ fibrosis have been cured by us.

Sign & symptoms:-

1- Sometimes patient with mild fibrosis/ scar have no such symptoms in initial phases of life.

2- Shortness of breath, particularly with exertion

3- Chronic dry hacking cough

4- Fatigue & weakness

5- Chest discomfort with chest pain

6- Loss of appetite and rapid weight loss

7- A chest x ray may or may not be abnormal, but high resolution CT will frequently demonstrate abnormalities.

Causes of lung fibrosis:-

1- Lung fibrosis mostly is secondary effect of other diseases.

2- Inhalation of environmental & occupational pollutants such as metals. In asbestosis, silicosis & exposure to certain gases.

3- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

4- Cigarette smoking may increase the risk of fibrosis

5- Infections such as Tuberculosis, pneumonia, covid 19 infection causes fibrosis/ lung scarring

6- Radiation therapy to the chest

7- However pulmonary fibrosis can also appear without any known causes. It is than termed idiopathic. Most idiopathic cases are diagnosed as idiopathic pulomary fibrosis.

Homeopathic treatment for lung fibrosis / Lung Scar:-

We at Raj Homoeopathic Multispeciality Clinic, ashiana, Lucknow have seen & cured numerous cases of Lung fibrosis with excellent results. Dr. Rohit Kumar (BHMS, DCDN) is highly experienced and qualified homeopathic doctor in treating such chronic diseases. He has gained very high experience in field of lung fibrosis cure. His many patients who had lung scar got cured from lung scars completely & successfully passed the hrct scans as there lungs appeared normal after his treatment. He takes complete case taking of the patients and asks health history of the patient of which infectious diseases he got infected before & then prescribe the right homeopathic medicine for the patient. Our homeopathy medicine which we prescribe has no side effects and are easy to eat. Our medicines goes to all over india and outside india for lung scar/ fibrosis. For more information please call us at 9670849963, 9559688792 or email us at

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