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What are warts?

Warts are small, rough, round like growths similar in colour to the rest of the skin. Warts are of many types like:- common wart, flat wart, filliform wart, genital wart, plantar wart etc. They are not harmless growth & non-cancerous. But they cause discomfort feel when touched or looked at. If warts are cut by blade or sharp things then they grow more faster to different body parts also. Most commonly they occur at hands, feet, face, neck, fingers. If they are cut or burnt forcefully then they rapidly increases in numbers very faster.

A type of wart on eye

Cause of warts:-

Warts are caused by human papilloma virus (hpv). Hpv infects most commonly the skin & the genitals. As warts are caused by a virus so this is why it grows rapidly when cut or burnt forcefully.

Homeopathic medicine for warts:-

There are many wonderful homeopathic medicines which are prescribed for the warts. But the medicine selection is done after carefully examining the location of the wart, colour of wart, size & shape of warts etc. We do proper case taking of the patient then prescribe the right suitable homeopathic medicine which cures this viral disease naturally & permanently. Few below are some homeopathic medicines listed but only have to be taken after consultation from the homeopathic doctor.

1- Thuja

2- Calcarea carb

3- Dulcamara

4- Acid nitric

5- Sulphur

6- Calcarea sulph

7- Lycopodium

8- Medorrhinum

9- Causticum

10- Natrum sulph

11- Antimonium crudum

12- Psorinum


We have best expertise in treatment of skin disorders including warts. We do detailed case taking & then prescribe the right homeopathic medicine which works best. We have seen & treated very large number of patients of warts with very good results. After our medicine the warts roots slowly becomes weak and then it falls naturally without leaving any scars on face or on body.

This patient had multiple face warts and after our homeopathic medicine his warts started falling naturally within 15 days of time. So our homeopathy medicines works very fast in all such skin problems.



Shop no. - LGF-42, sector-H, Annapurna complex, b block, Kanpur Road, LDA Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226012, India

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